Intersnack Group

Intersnack takes action

Sustainability stories

Sustainability is driven by actions, not by talking. To bring about lasting change that matters.

Sunrise over a wheat field

Sustainability | Stories & News

Intersnack climate targets

approved by SBTi

We are proud to be part of the industry movement and the ambition to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

Sustainability | Stories & News

Gold rating again!

Intersnack awarded by EcoVadis

EcoVadis awarded Intersnack a Gold Rating in recognition of our work to create positive impact – snack by snack.

A Gold Rating from EcoVadis means we are taking tangible, measurable steps towards building a better business by implementing sustainability throughout our supply chain and in all that we do. 

Consumer responsibility | Stories


For great taste and better choice

Consumers now demand more products to fit a health-conscious, sustainable lifestyle. We are using our expertise to reformulate and improve everything we do, making appealing, sustainably produced snacks with enhanced nutrition profiles. 

We’re reformulating our recipes with a focus on clean, natural ingredients that deliver the flavours consumers love, whilst reducing saturated fat and salt. It’s what we call Mindful Indulgence. 


Environmental responsibility | Stories


Contributing to a circular economy

At Intersnack, we need packaging that keeps our products fresh and safe – but not at the planet’s expense. That’s why, we have set ourselves a Packaging Pledge, which targets Intersnack to cut packaging use by 15% and achieve 100% plastic packaging recyclability by the end of 2025.

These are bold targets and we’re proud to be able to say that we already achieved an 11% reduction in the packaging materials we use by the end of 2022. 

Now we’re taking our next steps to further decrease material use whilst partnering to improve national recycling infrastructure on a continuous journey towards circularity. 

Social responsibility | Stories


Supporting smallholder farmers in Malawi

“Besides the macadamia seedlings, through this project I received valuable knowledge on the best way to grow macadamias.”

As part of our commitment to sustainable sourcing, Intersnack engages in field projects to create more transparent and sustainable value chains.

A woman with pink bobble hat sits in front of a bush with macadamia fruits

Employees responsibility | Stories

Supportive leadership

in our operations

For Intersnack, leading isn’t a top-down approach; it’s about empowering our people to do their best work.

Bird's eye view: Many colleagues in work clothes stand around a table in a meeting room and analyze figures together.